
今後30年でコミュニケーションはどう変わる? Communication will be XX in 30 Years


1. 昭和時代のコミュニケーションスタイル


2. 平成時代のコミュニケーションスタイル


3. 令和時代のコミュニケーションスタイル






1. 仮想現実(VR)や拡張現実(AR)の普及:VRやARの技術はますます進化し、人々がより没入感のあるコミュニケーション体験をするようになるでしょう。仮想空間でのリアルタイムの会話や共同作業が可能になり、距離や時間の制約を超えたコミュニケーションが実現するかもしれません。外国では、故人と会話できる技術も開発されているようです。賛否両論ありそうですが。

2. AIによる自動翻訳の進化:AIの発展により、言語の壁を乗り越えたコミュニケーションが容易になるでしょう。リアルタイムでの自動翻訳技術が進歩し、さまざまな言語を話す人々がスムーズにコミュニケーションを取ることができるようになるので、国境がよりボーダレスに。

3. ソーシャルメディアの進化:現在のソーシャルメディアがさらに発展し、よりパーソナライズされた体験を提供するようになるでしょう。AIが個々のユーザーの嗜好や関心に基づいてコンテンツをカスタマイズし、より豊かなコミュニケーションの場を提供するかもしれません。

4. バーチャルアシスタントの進化:現在のAIアシスタントがより賢くなり、より人間らしい対話が可能になるでしょう。音声認識や自然言語処理の技術が進歩し、人々はより柔軟かつ自然な形でAIアシスタントとコミュニケーションを取ることができるようになるかもしれません。



With the changing times, the lifestyles and behaviors of young people have also evolved. As someone born in the Showa era, I’ve had quite a few encounters with local high school students, and this has given me a tangible sense of the transformations taking place. In this article, I will reflect on the differences in the communication styles of young people in the Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa eras.

Showa Era Communication Style
During the Showa era, the widespread use of television and radio positioned individuals as receivers of information. Young people respected the words of their parents and teachers, playing the role of passive information consumers. Communication primarily occurred through face-to-face interactions and letters, allowing for more intuitive exchanges. It was an era where “information was not yet democratized and was often delivered unilaterally.”

Heisei Era Communication Style
As we entered the Heisei era, the proliferation of the internet made it easier to both disseminate and access information. Young people sought opportunities for self-expression and began sharing their opinions and emotions through online platforms like social media and blogs. Furthermore, the use of email and chat tools enabled real-time communication, leading to a greater emphasis on word choice and expression. This marked the early stages of the “democratization of information.” Information was no longer one-sided; citizens began expressing their opinions and thoughts to the world.

Reiwa Era Communication Style
As we moved into the Reiwa era, technological advancements such as smartphones and AI assistants diversified the means of communication even further. Young people could now access information instantaneously, shifting from information recipients to information contributors. Communication through SNS and messaging apps became commonplace, where short texts and emojis were initially used, but now, sharing messages through images and videos has become more effortless.

In conclusion, the changing lifestyles and behaviors of young people over the Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa eras have significantly impacted communication styles. These transformations have been driven by technological advancements and the ease of information access, and further changes are anticipated in the future.

What Lies Ahead in the Next 30 Years?

I’d like to speculate on the changes in communication over the next 30 years, including some of my predictions:

Proliferation of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): VR and AR technologies will continue to advance, providing people with increasingly immersive communication experiences. Real-time conversations and collaborative work in virtual spaces may become the norm, transcending the constraints of distance and time. It’s even possible that technologies allowing conversations with the deceased, which are being developed in some countries, will gain attention, albeit with mixed opinions.

Evolution of AI-Powered Automatic Translation: AI’s progress will allow us to overcome language barriers in communication. Real-time automatic translation technology will improve, enabling people who speak different languages to communicate seamlessly. This could lead to a more borderless world.

Advancements in Social Media: Current social media platforms will further evolve to provide more personalized experiences. AI will customize content based on individual users’ preferences and interests, creating richer communication spaces.

Enhanced Virtual Assistants: Existing AI assistants will become smarter, engaging in more human-like dialogues. Advancements in speech recognition and natural language processing will enable people to communicate with AI assistants in a more flexible and natural manner.

Excitingly, these technological advancements and societal changes may lead us into an unimaginable future. Alongside technological progress, I earnestly hope that the spiritual aspect of humanity will continue to ascend.


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