




■エルメスは1837年にフランスで創業し、高級ブランドとして数々の名作を生み出してきました。その経営哲学には、商売をする上での心構えが多く含まれています。今回は、エルメスの経営哲学にならって、商売をするときの心構えについて紹介します。バーキンやケリーバッグなどが有名ですが、特別な素材を使ったバージョンだと、3000万円を超えて、オークションで取引されたりしています。エルメスはバッグを買っても値上がり、株を買っても値上がり… ブランドの中のブランド、ブランドの鏡ともいわれるのもすこぶる納得です。

1. 「職人ファースト」(職人主義)



2. 「伝統と革新」を両立する




3. 「顧客の満足」を最優先に考える



4. 「長期的な視点」で考える




5. 「独自性」を追求する



In today’s world, where information flows endlessly through platforms like social media and is consumed rapidly, we often come across phrases like “amazing” and “the latest.” Jumping on information quickly may increase the chances of gaining an advantage as an early adopter, but it also significantly increases the probability of encountering disappointments. In fact, to avoid being deceived, it is crucial for ordinary individuals to exercise constant caution regarding the sources of information.

One of my favorite quotes is, “The owl of Minerva takes flight only at dusk.” Many of you may already be familiar with this saying. Minerva is the Roman goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, craftsmanship, and magic. The owl represents wisdom. The owl of Minerva sets out on reconnaissance not at daybreak but after the day is over. In other words, even for a divine being, it is necessary to wait for a day to pass to judge and determine how that day was. By following this approach, we should diligently conduct data gathering activities and take the time to firmly establish them into our future business strategies, rather than seeking immediate results. Building a brand requires earning trust, and that cannot be achieved overnight.

This time, I had the opportunity to connect with the people involved in Hermès, a French brand that is referred to as the “brand within a brand” and has been in operation for over 180 years. Based on that encounter, I would like to reflect on their spirit and philosophy.


was founded in 1837 in France and has created numerous masterpieces as a luxury brand. Their business philosophy encompasses many important principles. In this discussion, I will introduce the mindset for conducting business based on Hermès’ business philosophy. While the Birkin and Kelly bags are famous examples, there are versions made with special materials that have been auctioned for over 30 million yen. It is completely understandable that Hermès is often called the “brand within a brand” or the “mirror of brands” due to the high appreciation in value of their bags and stocks.


Artisan First (Artisanism)

Hermès uses only the finest materials available in the European market, and that’s because they have artisans who are worthy of working with them. France, in particular, can be considered a country that places the utmost importance on individual sensibility. The respect for the craftsmanship is exceptionally high, to the extent that it is said, “If there is no leather that meets the craftsman’s standards, the bag won’t be made.” As a result, they have gained trust, and leather bags priced at over one million yen each are sold out at reservation sales events. This philosophy stands in stark contrast to the concept of mass production for thin profits.


Balancing Tradition and Innovation

Since its inception, Hermès has preserved traditional techniques and materials while incorporating new ideas into their products. As a result, Hermès products boast beautifully blended designs and functionality that seamlessly combine tradition and innovation. Being endorsed by Napoleon III and the Russian Emperor, and being supported by highly sensitive and top-tier celebrities, is the ultimate testament to their success.

In conducting business, it is important to strike a balance between tradition and innovation. Clinging solely to past successes can hinder the ability to adapt to changes in the times and result in a halt in growth. On the other hand, incorporating only new ideas can compromise the brand image. Following the example of Hermès, by preserving tradition while constantly incorporating new ideas, it is possible to achieve long-term growth. You can gain more detailed insights from the company’s history in the manga titled “Hermès no Michi” (The Path of Hermès).


Prioritizing Customer Satisfaction

While valuing their artisans, Hermès also prioritizes customer satisfaction by providing products tailored to meet the individual needs of customers. This includes offering customized products. Instead of focusing on increasing turnover within a given timeframe, they spend as much time as necessary to thoroughly understand the customers’ needs through continuous communication with artisans. This approach stems from the unwavering respect for artisans and the empowerment of staff members with a certain level of discretion, which allows them to provide personalized customer service. (In fact, there are no “customer service manuals,” and the service provided is not limited to such simple dimensions.)


Adopting a Long-Term Perspective

Since its inception, Hermès has conducted its business with a long-term perspective, considering it as a family endeavor. Without being bound by short-term profits, they strive to maintain quality and brand image while aiming for long-term growth.

In conducting business, it is necessary to operate with a long-term perspective. Being solely focused on short-term profits prevents the realization of long-term growth. Additionally, maintaining quality and brand image is vital in gaining long-term trust.


Pursuing Uniqueness

Hermès demonstrates uniqueness through products such as the Birkin and Kelly bags, which have remarkable stories attached to them. Pursuing uniqueness is also important in conducting business. While it may not be an easy task, it can lead to the strengthening of one’s own brand and the acquisition of new customers through differentiation from other companies.


In conclusion, I have introduced the mindset for conducting business based on Hermès’ business philosophy. Keeping artisanism, balancing tradition and innovation, prioritizing customer satisfaction, adopting a long-term perspective, and pursuing uniqueness in mind, let us strive to build our own business brand.


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